Thursday, 16 June 2016

Adam Sandler sells out his talent for free holidays

'To anyone who has sat through one of Adam Sandler’s recent cinematic travesties and thought, “He can’t seriously think this is good, right?” Right. Adam Sandler knows they aren’t good. He just doesn’t care.'

Adam Sandler once wanted to make films out of passion and dedication. This seems like a long long time ago since he has decided that a good film in LA is okay but a bad film in Africa is fun and much more worthy of his time. Ever since 50 First Dates he has cracked the formula for success; go places and make money, everybody's happy. Except the viewers. That was nearly 12 years ago. For more than a decade he has put less effort into his films than in his outfit choices.

Personally I believe that passion is what drives us towards our careers ands goals, and selling that is selling what we believe in. Sadly it's not just Adam Sandler that has lost his integrity. Many other actor and producers opted for the easier choice, the one which guarantees money and loyalty from the fans, making it hard to find quality in Hollywood these days.